There Is Nothing Indian About Denying Rohingya Refuge

Taking a break from my nazaria-e-pakistan analysis routine to focus on the important part of my life, I had decided to not tweet or blog for few months. And while my life continues to demand my full attention, I couldn’t resist but pick up my pen for silence at this hour would be tantamount to condoning injustice.

Again, I have spoken on numerous wrongs within Pakistan; today I have a more important plea to make and I hope my reader’s listen, as they’ve done in the past.

There Is Nothing Indian About Denying Rohingya Refuge

Discrimination and persecution against Rohingya’s has existed since 1962 coup by Burmese Army, which went on to legally strip Rohingya’s of their Burmese nationality in 1982. The current round of oppression is only therefore a continuation of ethno-communal identity politics played by Buddhist majority Burma (Myanmar).

Truth is also that Rohingya’s pre-1962 did not hide their affinity for East Pakistan based on commonality in language, culture and religion, and as well – attempted failed rebellion against Burma, planting seeds of segregation which have come to haunt them more than once. The Buddhist Burmese haven’t necessarily been accommodative of their differences and have looked upon Rohingya’s pre-independence through the lens of British agents and post-independence as occupiers. British India’s reign extended in the east until Burma and the policy of migrating laborers led to Rohingya settlement in Burma. This is akin to people from India taken as laborers to Africa, Singapore, East Timor, etc.

While media reports have followed after each wave of Rohingya persecution and subsequent migration, one thing common binds them all – zilch action and resolution of the crisis by it’s – co-religionists, immediate & extended neighbors, international community and humanity in general.

In regards to resolution – I expect no solution from its co-religionists because they themselves are embroiled in apartheid against their own minorities and citizens in the name of Arab vs non-Arab or often time’s wrong flavor of Muslim or the more common Muslim vs Infidel. I am curiously piqued by bucket of tears any Pakistani would weep at this ethno-religion discrimination by Buddhist Burmese, while proudly celebrating birth of Pakistan – which ironically was on the same premise. And it could be that Pakistan would accept few Rohingya’s in short term, only to eventually discriminate and strip them of their identity, culture, language as they’ve done with Sindhi’s and Kashmiri’s.

The ideal solution would be for Rohingya’s to be equal and free citizens in their own land – Burma (Myanmar), but that would require USA, India and China to align and speak in one voice against Burmese Military Junta, instead of the present trend of placating Burma for its strategic-economic importance. My analytical brain does not see this happening, as Burmese Generals are too smart at sensing global mood against Islam and too cunning playing one country against another. Well, frankly, most Generals across the world have won medals for strategy than bravery.

Should India Shelter Rohingya?

Before giving out my answer, let’s understand its implication and India’s tryst with Islam.

Fact is Hindu Raja Dahir (Sindh) gave refuge to family member of Imam Hussian, who were much sought by the Umayyad in their deadly hunt for eliminating the last of the Ahl-e-Bait (Prophet Muhammad’s immediate family), in fact certain historians claim Hussian ibn Ali, the grandson of Prophet Mohammed, who was hunted back home was on his way to Sindh when he was seized at Karbala in Iraq and killed. The barbarity of Arabs that followed has natives of Sindh in tears even today equally for Hussian and Raja Dahir.

Fact also remains, Islam is an exclusivist religion. It has institutionalized segregation and apartheid as norm for non-Muslims. Its entire history is littered with disrespect for civilization, culture, laws and humans that are in any manner different to its worldview. Further, when in minority, instead of integrating within local culture and community, Islam if followed, would require special privileges and perpetuate ghettos.

Partition of India on the basis of two-nation theory is a fact. Session in Kashmir in the name of Islam is also a fact. And the seemingly never-ending Hindu-Muslim divide, has become even more acute with a Hindu nationalist government in India, is also a fact.

With these concerns laid bare, should India still give refuge to predominantly Muslim Rohingya’s?

My answer is yes.

Because, Rohingya’s are truly the sons and daughters of India.

Because India’s national fabric is not divisiveness rather universal acceptance and tolerance. India’s idea was and should remain – every religion is true, every path lead to the same destination. India has sheltered persecuted Jews, persecuted Zoroastrians from Persia, persecuted Muslims of Prophets family, and persecuted Syrian Christians.

Because the very argument of the Hindu right, that in-order to preserve India it is imperative to deny refuge to Muslim Rohingya's is incongruous with India and its civilizational ethos. 

India stands today, despite millennia of invasion not merely because of unceasing spirit of resistance rather primarily because of blessings of millions that were once given refuge and chance to live as brothers.
The idea of Rome, Persia or Egypt could be dead but India stands only because someone has to guide the world towards universal brotherhood and love – who better than India? What better opportunity than now?

Fear begets hatred, fearlessness is love.

Do the right thing India.


  1. Great article sir....But Islam and the behaviour of Muslims has created so much distrust in our Minds so I dont think this happening. See what is happening in once Peaceful Europe who gave refuge to the Muslims.

  2. Great article Sir. I fully endorse your view.
    The following points which comes to my mind on the issue:
    British took Indians to their other colonies also, like the Caribbean Islands, where they totally got integrated with the locals and other ethnic groups. But why it didn't happen with Rohingyas. You have indicated that followers of Islam cannot integrate with other communities, which possibly is the root cause.

    Even, in India though many Muslims have no issue in integration with other communities, but there is always a continuous effort within large sections of Muslims, some political/intellectual groups, to keep them isolated and use them as a vote-bank with special privilages in the name of religion/religious-freedom. The most damaging of it to promote over-breeding with an aim to out-breed and over-take other religious groups to establish Caliphate/Sharia, which is going to be a reality if things don't change.
    This is never the case with any other religion or ethnic group.

    India characteristically cannot deny refuge to anyone in the world, who as a community are in distress due to persecution.

    But unfortunately not all are ready to fully integrate with India and become a part of it, which have a potential to change the very character of India.

  3. - The refugees ought to be treated agostic of their religion in accordance with India's refugee policy. - India should have a total and per country upper bound on refugee ingestion per year.
    - These refugees should be accommodated in time, area & privilege restricted refugee camps and sent back subsequently.

  4. Rohingyas are Bengali Muslims. The same community that had once demanded a country based on their religion. And then went on to claim another country based on their language. The only community to do so and at great costs to the Indian sub-continent. How much more should we suffer due to the insecurity of ONE community? For a moment, even if we choose to blame all this on the past generation, how have the current Rohingyas behaved? While in the lands they are in majority, they have killed not just the Buddhists but the Hindus as well. Lets again for a moment believe that all these are propaganda by the Burmese. But to make it worse, even in the land where they have moved as refugees and which did not show them any particular hatred, they have been violent against locals as well as insulting local beliefs too. They are doing so when they are refugees. To sum it up, you are expecting that the ones you have described as "Hindu Right" should ignore not just the hoary past but the present behaviour of this community.

    It is an Indian civilization etho to provide refuge to the needy. But to provide refuge to the greedy is suicide.

    1. BTW big fan of your writings from a long time. Not mocking nor being sarcastic.

  5. While in one article of yours you speak of the "moral case" of Kashmir, in this article you guilt trip the Hindus on love and associated nonsense. What is in it for the Hindus?

    For all of Raja Dahir's generosity, how many Hindus are left in his land?And what is the guarantee that the civilizational tolerance of the Hindus will not be used to slaughter them using meat cleavers in the future?

    And why are those over breeding refugees occupying sites in Hindu majority Jammu rather than supporting the moral case of Kashmir by settling there or better still, settle in the melting pot of Pakistani society?

    We can see you for what you are,Birader. You have the brain of those rapacious Islamic thugs.


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