
The Impending Big War

Qiushi meaning "Seeking Truth" in Mandarin, is the name of a leading official journal and magazine of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). In January of 2022 it published, Xi Jinping's supposed secret speech 60 days roughly after it was given, and for the first time, Xi himself was quoted as saying “prepare for struggle against hostile forces” of course without naming United States of America & allies. The publication of Xi’s quote from his speech in CCP’s propaganda magazine Qiushi is no aberration or leak considering nearly two thirds of articles published in said magazine are authored by senior officials and provincial level leaders of CCP. The publication of Xi’s explicit and to some degree provocative challenge to US is a culmination of well thought out strategy that has been set in motion since 2015. And unlike verbal rhetoric or bravado for political purposes that we witness in South Asia and elsewhere, Xi Jinping’s speech was measured, timed, and preceded with m...

Hypothesis - Ancient Ties of India and the Arab World

  Much has been written and a body of knowledge is available on relations between Arabian Peninsula and Indian Subcontinent, and the influence of Arabian culture as a result of the spread of Islam on one hand and the adaptation of Indian numerals, math and astronomy within Arab region. But very little is known about ties between these two neighbouring regions pre-Islam and therefore, I attempt to draw some interesting conclusions based on my limited research, observations, and intuition. The Trade & Migration Connection Arabian region & India have had trade relations pre-Islam. A text from Akkadian Kingdom (r. c. 2334-2284 BCE), mentions a shipping industry in Magan, in present-day Oman. Excavations in the cities of Ur and Kish and Bahrain and other locations along the east coast of the Arabian Peninsula have unearthed goods of Indian origin (including seals). Both indicate that the network of maritime trade was regular, bustling, and well-known as early as 3000 BC. The...

Past Unconsciously Guiding The Future of Pakistan

"The solution of a problem lies in the accurate understanding of the problem" The Challenge Per IMF, Pakistan's GDP (nominal) per capita is estimated to be at approx. $1658, thirteen position behind Bangladesh ($2469) and six position ahead of Nepal ($1377). Pakistan's GDP (nominal) is approx. 376 billion, five position behind Bangladesh and much ahead of Nepal or Sub-Saharan Africa, and other 150+ countries. Pakistan has the seventh most powerful army in the world. It also among an elite group of nations with nuclear technology and weapons. On paper Pakistan does not appear appalling, of course it’s like any other lower income nation with challenges of poverty, health care and education but with potential to become a middle-income country. Why then Pakistan seems dangerously on the brink of implosion? Bangladesh has neither a large or battle-hardened army, nor nuclear weapons. It is a Muslim majority country like Pakistan. Yet Bangladesh appears confident and, on the...